Quirky Holiday Traditions
By: Natalie Osorio
Every family that celebrates Christmas has a few traditions that are unique to them. Whether you bake Christmas cookies, make hot chocolate, or hide an elf on the shelf for your younger siblings, there is something for everyone to enjoy and remember!! Now, let’s take a look at a few quirky traditions that are memorable and fun for many:
Decorating your Christmas tree with pickles:
If you’ve cruised past the Christmas section of any ornament store, you’ve probably seen at least one decorated glass pickle. Although this may seem odd, it is a popular old-world German tradition, and this pickle is hidden in a yule tree on Christmas morning for children to search for it. There is a competitive aspect, as the first one to find it gets a special gift, or gets to open the first present!!
Carving Radish Sculptures
This holiday has been around for hundreds of years, and is celebrated on December 23 in Oaxaca, Mexico. The tradition began when merchants were interested in increasing shoppers on the way to and from Christmas church services. They did this by creating vegetable displays that carved radishes into people, animals, and other decorations. The most aesthetically pleasing radishes were used as centerpieces for tables!! As a result, in 1897, the mayor of Oaxaca declared December 23 to be the “Noche de los Rábanos” holiday. To this day, artists carve radishes into nativity scenes, churches, and portraits of celebrities.
Eat Kentucky Fried Chicken:
As surprising as it is, about 3.6 million Japanese families eat a bucket of KFC for Christmas! In 1974, the fast food chain released their “Kentucky for Christmas” marketing campaign in Japan. In the campaign, KFC advertised that it is a Western tradition to consume fried chicken on Christmas day. Although only 1 percent of Japanese people identify as Christian, the campaign gained the public’s attention quickly!! The tradition remains so popular that it is recommended to place orders beforehand!!
We hope you have enjoyed learning about a few quirky holiday traditions! As odd as they may seem, never doubt the enjoyment and memories that they can bring!!
