you show up late to class because you couldn’t find parking
You’re looking forward instead of behind you (or when you’re more excited to leave high school)
you show up late everyday in pajamas and slippers
It’s 10 times harder to get out of bed in the morning
You stressed about college
You enjoy and appreciate taking plethora of pictures.
Your last class ends at 11:52 am!!!
Your procrastination is worse than it has ever been.
You’re having lunch with your teachers
You cry about Calc
You stress about your college essays and application deadlines
you didnt care when you submitted the project 5 days late
You have more then 2 free periods
You do the ohio pizza tower dab
You’ve been ready to get out of here for multiple years
you see all your friends leaving school after two hours and you have a full schedule that ends in AP Calc
Graduation is creeping around the corner
The senioritis hits
You feel like you need a walking cane
You don't want to leave.
You're in 12th grade
AP exams don’t even matter anymore
You walk around the halls thinking of memories throughout the years.
You can walk out without being questioned
You get yearbooks
Year books come out.
you’re ready to say goodbye
After you’re a junior
You get accepted to your dream college
Attendance doesn’t matter
You show up late everyday
In love with Giancarlo
U don’t wanna graduate yet
You have 438 classes missed
Your going home midday
You only have 4 classes every day.
School ends
You have so many free periods
You’ve Accepted That You’ll Be Late for Every Class
You have Senioritis
Work and study at the same time
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