By: Natalie Osorio
This year’s Halloween fair was a tremendous success! Various clubs gathered their members together to assist in setting up tables and activities for the elementary school students. Parents from WSS, JSS, and PSS took their children on October 27th to have fun, eat candy, and meet the school environment that may be theirs in the future. The evening began with the French club having the kids decorate Mardi Gras masks. Members of the club gathered the week before to cut several masks for the craft activity. There were a multitude of colored markers, pencils, stickers, and more laid out on the table, where the children were then rewarded with a bag of candy for their marvelous designs. This was a great craft for all ages!! The Desi society gathered a group of club members to paint beautiful henna designs! Kids and teens who approached the tables could choose from various halloween themed designs or any decoration preferences of their choice. The talented club members stayed busy decorating and perfecting the chosen designs. The table was full of people waiting, and we admire the club members for their patience and creative talent. The Tri-M Music Honor Society surprised us with their amazing performance! Members of the society were sent music such as, “The Adams Family”, “Jaws”, “Ghostbusters”, and “Thriller” to practice before their performance. The members in the band set up their instruments and played beautifully with the orchestra. We enjoyed their hard work and felt their dedication for this incredible performance! The Poseidon club combined english grammar with fun halloween ideas!! The children were asked to choose both a noun and a verb from separate buckets. For example, the noun could have been “zombie” and the verb could have been “walking”. The kids drew cartoons to illustrate these choices. Once they were finished, they would show these drawings to Poseidon club members where they would guess the noun and verb they had picked out!! What a great creative way to learn about grammar while twisting in halloween fun! The Carey Pirettes’ creativity bloomed with their adorable bracelet crafts. A selection of beads were laid out for kids to come and choose their favorite colors. Once they were done, they carefully dropped the beads into the string and had the Pirettes tie them together to finish their bracelets! The kids were delighted to walk away with their self-made bracelets. The Road to Medicine club combined an anatomy lesson with fun macaroni crafts! Members of the club created a skeleton outline to be used as a guide for the kids to glue macaroni to design bones. Each participant also received a lollipop once they finished their skeleton!!
The Halloween fair was a huge success this year and we thank all the club members for volunteering their time to help the kids enjoy the activities. We hope to see you all again next year!!