By: Eva Stratakis
The results of the 2022 Senate elections were both surprising and expected somehow at the same time. The following states who were expected to be republican, actually went red
(went republican): Idaho, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Louisiana. Florida also went republican, after being a blue state a few years ago. The following states who were expected to be democrat, went blue: Washington, Oregon, California, New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maryland, and Vermont. Pennsylvania is a flip state, which means it goes either republican or democrat and doesn’t have one more likely than the other. Nevada and Colorado went democrat this year, but are usually republican based on past elections.

Since we live in New York, I would like to discuss our individual state election. There were two people running for New York governor, Kathy Hochul and Lee Zeldin. Kathy Hocul is a democrat and Lee Zeldin is a republican. New York is usually democrat and has been democrat for decades. Kathy Hochul, a democrat, supports the right to abortion and reproductive rights, and wants to increase minimum wage. Lee Zeldin, a republican, wants to ban abortion and does not want to increase minimum wage.
New York has been run by a democratic governor since the year 2008. Governor Eliot Spitzer was New York State governor from January 1, 2007 – March 17, 2008. He resigned. Governor David. A. Paterson was New York State governor from March 17, 2008 – January 1, 2011. Governor Andrew Cuomo was New York state president from January 1, 2001 – August 23, 2021. Kathy Hochul is currently governor. Each of these governors is a member of the Democratic Party. Therefore, it is safe to say that New York is definitely a democratic state. New York City has a very high population density and it is almost always democrat, which tends to be the reason New York is democrat while a lot of the areas are republican. This tends to happen with most cities. Most cities are democratic, and many rural and suburban areas are more republican.
Now that this 2022 election is over, it is time to start thinking about the 2024 presidential elections! What policies do you support? What kind of person do you want running your country? It is important to use your voice to help influence people to vote! Too many people don’t vote in elections because they don’t think their vote truly matters. Every vote matters. Go demonstrate your right to vote and share your voice!
